Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Random Sayings

A bunch of random sayings that'll hopefully bring smiles to you :)

If adults don't believe in Santa, then where does all the Santa Mail go?
My favorite thing about gummy bears is knowing that they can't fight back when you bite their heads off.

People who say "nothing is impossible" obviously haven't tried stopping a revolving door with their hands.

Pigs can fly......in food fights

I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross road WITHOUT being questioned of their motives.

Cereal is the best substitute for pencil shavings.

If you get to the point of obession over a person, the best way to somehow make a hobby out of it is to take pictures of that person and make it into your personal flashcards.

Life is too important to take seriously

My life is based on a true story.

Don't read beauty magazines, they'll make you feel ugly.

Don't insult the alligator until AFTER you crossed the river.

There's always light at the end of a tunnel, just make sure it isn't a train.

Hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance?

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